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Inflammatory Bowel Disease: IBD in Cats

Inflammatory Bowel Disease: IBD in Cats

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) in cats is not only difficult to diagnose but it can become a large issue for your cat affecting many areas of their life and making them very uncomfortable. Today our Deer Park vets discuss Inflammatory Bowel Disease, otherwise known as IBD, in cats, what the symptoms are are how it can be treated.

IBD in Cats

When your cat’s gastrointestinal (GI) tract becomes chronically irritated and inflamed, inflammatory bowel disease (also called IBD) may develop. IBD in cats does not have a single cause but may occur when inflammatory cells attack the walls of your cat's GI tract. 

The walls of the GI tract then thicken and disrupt your cat's ability to properly digest and absorb food. Current evidence suggests that IBD in cats can be due to a complex, abnormal interaction between the immune system, bacterial populations in the intestines, diet, and a number of environmental factors. 

It may take a while to diagnose and properly treat your feline friend's IBD but through dietary changes, medication and other treatments, it is possible for your cat to enjoy a great quality of life long-term. 

What Are some of the Risk Factors for IBD in Cats?

As with both people and dogs, genetic abnormalities in a cat’s immune system may be a factor in the development of feline IBD. The disease develops most often in middle-aged and older cats although cats of any age can be impacted by IBD.

A number of factors typically contribute to IBD developing in cats. Your kitty's risk factors may include:

  • Genetic factors
  • Hypersensitivity to bacteria
  • Food allergies (such as food additives, proteins in meat, preservatives, artificial coloring, gluten, and/or dairy proteins)

Some of the Common Symptoms of IBD in Cats

Inflammatory Bowel Disease is a tricky health issue to diagnose in cats since the most common symptoms can mimic those of intestinal lymphoma, (a type of cancer seen in cats) and other conditions of the GI tract.

You may notice a number of symptoms in your cat, which can vary in both severity and frequency depending on which parts of the GI tract are affected.

For example, if your kitty's colon is inflamed, diarrhea with or without blood in the stool is likely, while if your cat's problem is in the stomach or higher areas of their small intestine, chronic vomiting may be your cat's most noticeable symptom.

If your cat is suffering from IBD you may notice one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Chronic or intermittent vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Bright red blood in stool
  • Lack of energy
  • Gas (flatulence)
  • Gurgling sounds from the abdomen
  • Abdominal pain
  • Coat in poor condition
  • Lack of appetite

How is IBD in Cats Typically Diagnosed?

Our Orange County vets have a number of diagnostic tests and methods that can be used when diagnosing IBD in your kitty. Your veterinarian will start by taking a detailed medical history of your cat and asking questions about the frequency and duration of your cat's IBD symptoms.

After a complete physical examination, if IBD is suspected routine laboratory tests may be completed in order to help diagnose the cause of your cat's symptoms. Your kitty's tests may include:

  • Urinalysis
  • Complete blood count
  • Fecal Exam
  • Biochemistry profile
  • X-rays

That said, these tests cannot definitively diagnose IBD, however, they are useful in ruling out other diseases (including elevated thyroid, liver disease and kidney disease), whose symptoms can mimic IBD.

These routine laboratory tests may come back normal even if your cat does have IBD. Some cats with IBD may have an abnormally high number of white blood cells, along with anemia, or abnormal levels of liver enzymes and protein levels. More tests may be required in order to find out how well your cat’s small intestine is functioning.

Abdominal Ultrasound

An abdominal ultrasound may be recommended to help your vet rule out other diseases not revealed with blood work (these can include cancer or pancreatitis). Ultrasound imaging can also help vets examine the stomach and find out how thick the intestinal wall is.

Stomach Biopsy

The only way to definitively diagnose your cat's IBD and determine the extent of the disease is to take a biopsy. Stomach and intestine biopsies can be performed with surgery or endoscopy.

Following a definitive diagnosis of IBD your vet will create a customized treatment plan to help reduce your kitty's symptoms and manage the condition long-term.

How Your Cat Might Be Treated for IBD

If your cat has not recently been treated for intestinal parasites, your vet may recommend this along with changes in diet and the introduction of medications.

No single treatment is best for treating this IBD in cats, which means that you may need to try several different combinations of medication and diet to find the best therapy for your cat.

Dietary Changes or Restrictions

If your cat has an issue with dietary allergens, a hypoallergenic diet may help to resolve your cat's IBD symptoms. Protein or carbohydrate sources the cat has never eaten before (novel protein diets), including venison, rabbit or duck-based diets may be recommended.

If a novel protein diet does not reduce your cat's symptoms of IBD, a diet of low-fat, easily digestible, high-fiber foods may be recommended next. Be patient with dietary changes - it can take several weeks or longer for symptoms to begin clearing up. In order for the diet to be successful, all other food sources, including treats, flavored medications and table scraps should be eliminated.

Medications to Help Manage the Symptoms

Along with dietary changes, medications may be required to help calm symptoms, Metronidazole has antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and antiprotozoal properties which may help.

Corticosteroids, potent anti-inflammatory and immune-suppressing agents, may be recommended if diet changes or metronidazole proves ineffective for your kitty.

While corticosteroids are usually well-tolerated, it's important to monitor them closely as immune suppression and diabetes can be potential side effects. The next options include more potent immunosuppressive drugs such as chlorambucil or azathioprine, which can suppress the production of red and white blood cells (and sometimes, platelets) within the bone marrow.

Alternative Therapies to Help Relieve IBD in Cats

Prebiotics (substances that promote certain bacterial populations) and probiotics (bacterial strains to promote GI health) may help balance your cat's GI bacteria and reduce your cat's symptoms of IBD.

Soluble fibers such as psyllium may also be added to your cat’s diet if inflammatory colitis is an issue. Folate or vitamin B12 may be recommended by your vet if your kitty is deficient in these.

What is the Average Life Expectancy for Cats with IBD?

There is no cure for IBD in cats but, with the right treatment, symptoms can often be managed to help keep your cat comfortable and healthy.

Even with proper management your kitty's symptoms of IBD may come and go and vary in severity. Strict compliance with dietary measures and medications is going to be a necessary part of managing your cat's symptoms. Diligent monitoring by you and your vet will be ongoing throughout your cat's lifetime.

When relapses occur your cat should be assessed by your vet as soon as possible so that medications and other treatments can be adjusted as required.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Are you concerned about the signs of IBD in your cat? Contact our Deer Park vets for more information about this uncomfortable condition and to learn what you can do to help your feline friend.

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