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Pet Care Tips

Puppy & Kitten: Raising Your Pets Together

Puppy & Kitten: Raising Your Pets Together

If you are considering a new pet then you begin to think, why not two? You may also wonder if it would be possible to raise a cat and a dog together comfortably. Our Deer Park Animal Hospital vets discuss raising a puppy and kitten together and why it can be a great idea to make this decision.

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Cat Breeds - Do Siamese and Munchkins Live The Longest?

Cat Breeds - Do Siamese and Munchkins Live The Longest?

On average, domestic cats tend to live until they are around the age of 10 when well cared for. Today, our Deer Park vets share a list of cats that are known to live the longest, including Munchkin and Siamese cats.

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How to Take Care of a Senior Dog: Tips & Advice

How to Take Care of a Senior Dog: Tips & Advice

As your dog begins to get up into their golden years, their veterinary care needs will begin to change. Today our Deer Park vets talk about how to take care of a senior dog and offer some tips and advice to help your pet stay healthy longer.

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Old Cats – Care for Senior Cats

Old Cats – Care for Senior Cats

While we hope that our cats will stay young and nimble forever we all know that eventually our feline friends will age and that there will be changes. Today our Deer Park vets discuss how to know when your cat is a senior and what the differences will be in care for your older cat.

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Weight Loss In Older Dogs: When To Worry

Weight Loss In Older Dogs: When To Worry

When dogs begin to age many things will change. One of the most common areas that you notice a difference will be their weight and while you may be worried about weight gain there is also the concern of weight loss in senior dogs. Our Deer Park vets discuss weight loss in older dogs and when you might worry.

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Geriatric Pets: Aging in Cats

Geriatric Pets: Aging in Cats

When you have a family pet it means that you get to enjoy the entirety of their life with them. But as your dog or cat ages, there is more care that will be needed. Today our Deer Park vets discuss the aging process in cats and how to care for your geriatric pets.

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Dog Wound Care: Complete Guide

Dog Wound Care: Complete Guide

Dogs are naturally energetic and playful, sometimes the playing that they do can result in common injuries. Luckily the care for a large number of these injuries can be managed at home. Here our Deer Park vets share some tips and advice for helping to care for your dog's wounds at home and discuss a few situations in which you may want to seek veterinary care.

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Inflammatory Bowel Disease: IBD in Cats

Inflammatory Bowel Disease: IBD in Cats

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) in cats is not only difficult to diagnose but it can become a large issue for your cat affecting many areas of their life and making them very uncomfortable. Today our Deer Park vets discuss Inflammatory Bowel Disease, otherwise known as IBD, in cats, what the symptoms are are how it can be treated.

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Aftercare for Orthopedic Surgery Patients

Aftercare for Orthopedic Surgery Patients

Is your pet about to have orthopedic surgery? Planning ahead for their recovery period can save you and your four-legged friend a lot of stress and make for a smoother recovery. Today, our Deer Park vets share tips on how to care for your pet after veterinary orthopedic surgery.

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Ear Hematoma Surgery in Cats

Ear Hematoma Surgery in Cats

While uncommon, your cat may experience injury to their ears that result in hematomas. Today, our Deer Park vets discuss ear hematomas in cats and everything you need to know about surgery to treat this condition.

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New Patients Welcome

We are accepting new patients! Our vets are passionate about the health of companion animals in the Deer Park area. Get in touch today to book your pet's first appointment.

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